Digital sampling process in the supply chain
4 years / 2014 - 2018


In 2014, the development project of the development partners Robert Bosch GmbH and PeakAvenue GmbH was started. The goal was to introduce a standardized and digital initial sample inspection report for all production plants of the "Mobility Solutions" division at Bosch and to connect their suppliers via a web application.


More than 20 years ago, Bosch developed the eISIR together with PeakAvenue at the Bühl plant. Although the experiences in the individual plants were consistently positive, the technical prerequisites for worldwide use were missing until then. There was no uniform IT connection for the suppliers; in addition, the plants had their own individual process characteristics.

Project implementation

Rollout in 84 plants worldwide: The basis for the successful rollout was a project team of several internal employees. In the first step, the existing Bosch-specific processes were transferred into a digitally editable format and integrated into a software solution from PeakAvenue. In addition, PeakAvenue developed a web application that can be used to exchange all relevant ISIR data between Bosch and the supplier. The rollout was carried out in several stages, which included internal training, support for employees and suppliers, and optimization of the software.


The project was completed in 2018. Currently, around 1600 ISIRs are processed digitally per month and more than 2500 suppliers are connected via the web application. The global standardized introduction of eISIR has thus laid the foundation for exploiting the potential within the entire value chain. This includes improved efficiency in the processing of sampling procedures through standardized workflows, globally available documents and automated sampling requests including validation processes for the release of samples. A measurable reduction in the number of recursions required also leads to increased effectiveness.

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