BLOG by Lisa Schmalz

eQMS rollout in the company - 5 useful tips

Racing team in red uniforms change tires of a red racing car during pit stops

You have described your need for eQMS in the requirements checklist, the software provider has responded with a specification and installed the software as agreed. What remains to be done now is the actual introduction of the software into your company practice, the so-called rollout, the market launch. Read this blog article to find out which tips you should follow for a successful eQMS rollout.

What does software rollout mean?

The term "rollout" comes from the automotive industry and originally referred to the first "rolling out" of the finished vehicle from the factory.

Let's imagine a newly developed racing car: Everything is fully assembled, the racing car is ready to drive. Does the next step involve taking part in the Monaco Grand Prix? Probably not. You first drive the car onto the test track and see how it behaves in practice so that you can rectify any problems. In addition to the initial presentation, a rollout is also a product optimization process.

The situation is similar with a QMS system rollout. It is gradually implemented, tested and optimized in your company. But what is the best way to implement your software in your company? The design of this implementation process, possibly at many locations, is also part of the rollout. The term "change management" is closely linked to that of rollout. Change management refers to the design of the implementation of any change in a company. Many employees are directly affected by a software rollout.

5 useful tips for your eQMS rollout

If the key users of your new software have already been involved in the planning, it is now a question of the upcoming change for all employees who will be working with the new software. The following 5 tips will make the introduction of the eQMS easier for you and your employees.

1. Formulate what will change in concrete terms

Specify exactly which processes are affected by the change and explain why it is necessary for the company. Emphasize how the new software will benefit your company and your employees. Identify which technical processes and which interfaces will be affected by the changes.

2. Analyze the exact training needs of your employees

Which of your employees will be using the new software? Does everyone have the same level of knowledge, is different training required or is a short joint introduction sufficient? Are there any national requirements that need to be taken into account for the changes to run smoothly? Different departments may not have the same focus when using the new software. Address all conceivable areas of focus and prepare your key users so that they can carry out the training as comprehensively as possible for their department.

3. Identify goals and actions of the eQMS implementation

Formulate the specific objectives of the change plan: On what date should your software be introduced at which location? Create a timeline or a concrete action plan. Also take into account the different needs of your various locations. Determine which location should introduce your new software first. Here you can observe closely and learn for the introduction at other locations.

4. Clarify which of your employees is responsible for which implementation step

The RASIC model (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed) helps you to implement your concept. It is used to analyze and illustrate responsibilities: Which key user carries out which training and where? Which employee monitors the processes? Who deals with problems and questions on site? In what way and at what frequency should training be carried out? Who will give you feedback on the progress of the rollout?

5. Check and utilize the results

Find an official end point for your change management project, otherwise there is a risk of losing sight of the change project and thus losing the overview. So create a point that marks the end of the eQMS rollout. This can be done by presenting the results of the rollout.

Take stock: Which goals were achieved quickly and easily, what can be improved in the next change management project? You should also use each rollout as an opportunity to learn how you can generally handle the implementation of changes in your company better.


The rollout of your CAQ software will be successful with these 5 tips:

1. Formulate specifically what will change
2. Analyze the exact training needs of your employees
3. Name the goals and measures of the eQMS implementation
4. Carify which of your employees is responsible for which implementation step
5. Monitor and utilize the results

This way you get your software on the road.

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